Thursday, August 23, 2007


Tomorrow is my last day of class! I will be returning to St. Louis on Saturday. Gracias a Dios! (At first I couldn't figure out why these people were always saying “Thanks, good by”) Unless something unexpected happens that you might find interesting (hopefully not), this blog will go dormant with this post, as promised. I do encourage you, however, to check back over the next couple of weeks if you are interested in seeing more pictures. I will indicate when they are all uploaded on the link to the Flica website.

This journey has been more wonderful than I ever dreamed possible. My thanks go out to all of the people who made it so memorable. Thanks to all of the staff and teachers at ILISA for their great teaching methods, their encouragement and most especially for their untiring patience with me. Also, thanks to Raul Ortega, my driver, who put up with my stupid questions each morning just so I could practice my Spanish. Thanks to the Acosta family, who made me feel part of their family from the moment I got here. The accommodations could not have been better, the food was unbelievably good and their thoughtfulness unequaled. Especially my thanks go out to the Samuido family who literally drove hundreds of miles and spent days of their precious time showing me all over this beautiful country of theirs. They would not let me pay for anything and held back nothing. Tito has many brothers and he made me feel as if I were one of them. Also thanks, to Crista, Rick and the children, who filled in for me while I was gone. And finally, thanks to Liz, my wonderful wife, who has put up with my eccentricities for over 40 years and took this one in stride as she always does.

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